Hi Degiz, do you know how I can test my model that I load from s3.
For example: I use this curl command to test my model that I load locally from my drive: curl -X POST http://localhost:5005/model/parse -d '{"text":"Hi I am Nilima"}'
How do I use the curl command to test the model that I loaded from my s3 bucket?
I used an example provided by the Rasa docs : curl -X POST http://localhost:5005/webhooks/rest/webhook -d '{"sender":" test_user", "message":" Stop calling me"}'
But since my model only has the nlu part, no core, meaning that I only need the intent classification and entity extraction from my model. This rest channel above sends me an empty message as: []%
Any idea how I can test my model loaded from s3 bucket for entity extraction and intent classification?