I am getting issue with Form Action, Once all the slots are filled and even after deactivating the current form every next conversation went to default_fallback_action. Can you please help with this abnormality of Rasa. Its only getting reset after triggering the action_restart.
Is there any way to continue the conversation on the same thread without restarting the entire thread. I have implement AllSlotReset() as well but still its not coming out of that Form Action.
Thanks for reviewing the story. I have removed all other stories and implement the simple one. It’s kind of improved a lot as of now, but once all the slots are filled and after completing the on-going conversation if I initiate the new conversation on the same thread its going to default fallback action. Can you please suggest how can i avoid this. PFB Story as of now.
@tyd Thanks for your response, but I can’t see anything captured under rasa_core.log file. Is there any way we can track log in rasa_core.log file?
JFYI , As of now I am not using the Enterprise edition.
I guess there are certain issues with Form Action. After all the slots are filled it’s not closing the active form. Do we need to use action_deactivate_form to get rid of active form?
It’s not able to recognize the above story, even greet is failing and redirected to action_default_fallback. Can you provide me some sample stories apart from formbot wherein post form action, its able to recognize the general conversation.
Hey there @Raju. I think this unfortunately might be a rasa x bug. To be clear, did you create this story via interactive learning from within the Rasa X UI?
I tried earlier creating the stories via interactive learning using Rasa X UI, later I was suggested by one of the Rasa team member to follow the standard template . So as of now all stories are created as part of standard template only.
We are working on it! It will not make the next release as we have focused a lot on UI fixes but will be in a future release, we still have to debug what exactly is going wrong. In the meantime you can still create stories with forms via interactive learning in the command line.