Goes to Fallback Default action after form is deactivated

Hi everyone, I am new to RASA and I’m using stories to ask user for details via form. However, it redirects to Fallback after form is deactivated. Below is the configuration I am using:

  - name: FormPolicy
  - name: RulePolicy
  - name: MemoizationPolicy
    max_history: 50
  - name: AugmentedMemoizationPolicy
    max_history: 0
  - name: FallbackPolicy
    nlu_threshold: 0.6
    core_threshold: 0.6
    ambiguity_threshold: 0.1
  - name: TEDPolicy
    max_history: 5 
    epochs: 100 
    constrain_similarities: true 
    model_confidence : linear_norm

Thanks for your help in advance!!

Hello, can you share the stories and/or rules related to this form?

You need to implement an action after the form has been completed. For example:

- rule: Submit form_log_in
  - active_loop: form_log_in
  - action: form_log_in
  - active_loop: null
  - slot_was_set:
    - requested_slot: null
  - action: action_submit_form_log_in # Do this after the form has been completed

Hi @ChrisRahme , this is how one of my story and rule looks like: :slight_smile:

- story: story2
  - intent: greet
  - action: utter_greet
  - intent: book_meeting
  - action: meeting_form
  - active_loop: meeting_form
  - active_loop: null
  - slot_was_set:
    - requested_slot: null
  - action: action_submit

- rule: activate meeting form
  - intent: book_meeting
  - action: meeting_form
  - active_loop: meeting_form

action_submit part in the story never works, it redirects to Fallback action.

Try to add a rule for action_submit as well:

- rule: Submit meeting_form
  - active_loop: meeting_form
  - action: meeting_form
  - active_loop: null
  - slot_was_set:
    - requested_slot: null
  - action: action_submit

@ChrisRahme Can’t do like that because the story will divert after action_submit. e.g.

- action: action_submit
- action: sure_to_book
- intent: affirm
- action: meeting_booked


- action: action_submit
- action: sure_to_book
- intent: deny
- action: meeting_not_booked

It doesn’t matter since it happens after action_submit, there will be no contradictions