hey folks
i was trying to integrate rasa-bot to my android app.is there any way kindly suggest.
NOTE: am not interested to any 3rd party paid chat/voice platforms as i have my own tts and asr tools which i will use to interact with the bot.and maintain my server in my local LAN.
this is the command : " python -m rasa_core.run --enable_api -d models/dialogue/ -u models/nlu/default/foodnlu/ "
presently am not using any authentication token
Hello @sam1
I want to integrate my Rasa bot to my existing Android project. Can you tell me how to do that?
And existing code for the project would be appreciated.
you will have to create a http server of your bot (doc link is provided in above thread by souvik)… After that you will have to query it by using the url (in your java code)