Intents without forms causing contradicting rules

I want to trigger a specific utterance when there is an intent without an active story. But, when I created a rule (below), it caused contradictions in the story (below) that used the same intents while there is an active form.

The general goal is I want to be able to chat with my bot. And, so long as the user triggers certain intents, I want it to respond with a given utterance. In this case, if the user writes about this day (which is considered a long description), I want the bot to respond with a question. So long as they continue writing prompts that are longdescription intents, it should ask the same utterances.

But, I only want the bot to respond this way if there is an active form

- rule: conversation without form
  - or:
    - intent: inform
    - intent: longdescription
  - action: utter_ask_conversation_withoutform_question
  - active_loop: null```

  • story: interactive_story_1 steps:
    • intent: act_asana_path
    • action: asana_form
    • active_loop: asana_form
    • slot_was_set:
      • requested_slot: asana_number_select
    • intent: affirm
    • intent: inform
    • action: asana_form
    • slot_was_set:
      • requested_slot: asana_number_select