@kartikmax welcome on the forum
Please install Anaconda from Anaconda | Individual Edition , then create the conda environment using the following command
- conda create -n rasa3 python=3.8
- conda activate rasa 3
Note: I’d recommend to create a fresh environment if not you can proceed with next steps:
For Rasa Open Source:
`pip install rasa==2.8.1`
`pip install rasa-sdk==2.8.1'
check version rasa --version
its install or not
For Installing basic project:
rasa init
then if you need
For Rasa-X Installation
pip install rasa-x==0.39.3 --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com/simple
check rasa version rasa --version
its install or not
You will see some error : ImportError: cannot import name ‘RowProxy’ from ‘sqlalchemy.engine’ Install
pip install SQLAlchemy==1.3.22
should fix it
If sanic related error:
pip install sanic-jwt==1.6.0
delete .db (events and rasa ) if is showing alembic issue.
If you have any error in-between please share with us.
I hope this will solve your issue.
Try to install rasa using pip install rasa --user
sir , I have done exact steps which you mentioned but still I have faced issue for training an initial model
(and thank you sir for having the fast response)@kartikmax One question, did you created the fresh environment and while creating did you got any red warning related to dependencies which you ignored or did you install rasa in your previous environment only?
Please clear!
@kartikmax can you type rasa --version
and share the screenshot
@kartikmax Even make the requirement file while using the command pip freeze > requirement.txt
and attached.
@kartikmax do mention me @ and nik202 for faster reply.
Create a virtual env and try pip install rasa --user
@nik202 sir this is screenshot
yes sir I have created the fresh environment