Install Rasa X (docker install) on Ubuntu 20.04

Hey guys! I got a problem using the docker-based install in Ubuntu 20.04. I can see that in the docs it is recommended to use 18.04 and I am installing it in a vm, but I was wondering if I can install it on my host OS without all the vm overhead. I’m guessing that it might have to do with Ubuntu 20.04 using python 3.8, but shouldn’t the install script fail if an unsupported python version is being used? I only got a message from playbook saying that

"No matching 'python-pip' is available".

Any hint will be extra appreciated. Thanx!

Hey @Iraklis

You’re right, Rasa X requires the following python version:

python = “>=3.6,<3.8”

But still, if you’re using docker-based installation (and our Dockerfiles), then you should be fine.

Hi @Iraklis,

The angstwad.docker_ubuntu role does not work for ubuntu 20.04. It wants to install the python-pip package, which is no longer available for that release of ubuntu.

A fix is to do a Docker-Compose Quick Install with a patch to

First download the install script (shown here for 0.28.5):

curl -sSL -o

Then edit the, to use a docker role jake_morgan.docker_focal instead of angstwad.docker_ubuntu. You have to modify these sections:

echo "Installing docker role"
#ansible-galaxy install angstwad.docker_ubuntu
ansible-galaxy install jake_morgan.docker_focal
echo "Docker installed"

# downloading the ansible playbook
# for the passed in version or latest
echo "Downloading Rasa X playbook"
wget -qO rasa_x_playbook.yml
#Add this line
sed -i 's/angstwad.docker_ubuntu/jake_morgan.docker_focal/g' rasa_x_playbook.yml

Now it should work when you run the install script:

sudo bash ./

Thanks a lot @Arjaan, that worked like a charm! Sorry for the delayed response, but with all the corona thing, stuff got behind.