Install error of rasa 1.7.0 on ubuntu 18.04 on AWS

Dear there,

The whole process is from a fresh start ubuntu18,04 on AWS.

sudo apt update

sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip python3-venv

python3 -m venv --system-site-packages ./venv-rasa

source ./venv-rasa/bin/activate

pip3 install -U pip

pip3 install rasa

During installation, there shows one error:

ERROR: sanic-plugins-framework 0.8.2.post1 has requirement sanic<=19.6.3,>=0.8.3, but you’ll have sanic 19.9.0 which is incompatible.

After installation, if run

pip3 check

Here is the msg:

sanic-plugins-framework 0.8.2.post1 has requirement sanic<=19.6.3,>=0.8.3, but you have sanic 19.9.0.

I can’t fix this no matter what I try. Does it matter? Anyway to correct this problem?

btw, the python version is 3.6.9


Hey @yiouyou,

Just to confirm can you let me know what rasa version you have from when you installed this via pip?

rasa 1.7.0, the latest one, as mentioned in the topic title. @btotharye

This is just most likely an issue with changing dependencies in Sanic. Are you having any actual errors with rasa due to this?