In rasa core 11.0.2 actions declared in domain are displaying errors


Their are some actions which are only needed with responses so i added them in my domain file. Previously i.e in core update 0.10.4 they worked fine but now they throws error. Now i know that actions works on separate server but does that mean that actions which are not in my custom actions python script i.e will not work?

I’m not sure what you mean, what kind of actions are you talking about? utter templates?

i mean to say the actions which were just mentioned in my domain file only and not in my custom actions where we usually create a class and assign some custom work!

These actions i.e the actions which were just present in my domain file only used to work fine but now i have to add them also in my custom actions file

I’m still not sure what you mean, which actions were mentioned in your domain file that didn’t require a class? Could you post an example?