I am trying to train the flow of dialog using interactive learning in Rasa core using Jupyter notebook.
code snippet:
import logging
from rasa_core import utils, train
from rasa_core.training import interactive
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def train_agent():
return train.train_dialogue_model(domain_file="domain.yml",
if __name__ == '__main__':
agent = train_agent()
logger.info("This example does not include NLU data."
"Please specify the desired intent with a preceding '/', e.g."
"'/greet' .")
Initially, I was getting a “Token not found” error pointing to “from prompt_toolkit.token import Token”
I downgraded to prompt-toolkit-1.0.14 and tried running the code.
Getting ImportError: cannot import name ‘style_from_dict’
I feel there is a version incompatibility for prompt_toolkit in rasa_core and Ipython. Currently using Rasa_core == 0.12.3 and ipython 7.2.0.
Do i need to downgrade ipython? Please suggest.