How to send the conversations on rasa x to a custom db outside rasa x?


I tried to change the trackerstore to mongoDB and i followed your instructions in your Docs (Rasa Open Source – API Reference – Tracker Stores), i´m using Docker-compose and it creates the container but it´s not connecting to the mongoDB (there is nothing inside the mongo data base). I also tried with the DynamoDB, following your guide and creating a Dynamo on AWS, but the information wasn´t passing trough also.

FYI, I´m using integrated version control with a github repository to connect the bot code to the Rasa X. I tried changing the endpoint.yml that is in the directory /etc/rasa, but it just stopped syncing with the postgresql but not sending the information to the new dynamo DB for example.

Hi @Francisco, welcome to the forum! How did you deploy your instance using docker-compose - did you use the Ansible script?

After updateing the endpoints.yml, did you restart your deployment with sudo docker-compose down && sudo docker-compose up -d? If that still doesn’t work, it would be helpful if you could inspect the logs of the rasa-production service.