Hello Everyone,
I have developed a custom tracker store which stores only text conversation between a bot and the user in MySQL database. I followed the method mentioned in Rasa Open Source documentation and I was able to store the values in the database when running locally. Now, I am facing an issue while integrating the new tracker store with Rasa X in docker containers. Custom tracker store configuration in the enpoints.yml looks like this
I tried adding my tracker to the rasa-production and rasa-worker container by extending the image like below-shown image.
On looking at the logs of the rasa-production service, I found that rasa was not able to find the tracker store. You can find the logs of rasa-production in below image
I couldn’t find any documentation on the integration of rasa-x with custom tracker store. Please help me on uploading my custom tracker file to a container. Do we need to create a new container for a custom tracker or uploading in rasa-production or worker would suffice? I am attaching my custom tracker file below. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Nikhil
MysqlTrackerStore.py (40.6 KB)