Our client ask us to develop a bot in which user can login through bot by using user name and password and also here password should not be visible to others while typing so i defined following function in actions.py for password masking but this function is not executing and goes to next action so can any one please let me know how can i take user name and password(masking) through bot with out depending on nlu data.
program for password masking written in actions.py:
import getpass
key = getpass.getpass('Password :: ')
After getting user name and password i have to make multiple api calls with lot of parameters taken from output of previous api so can you also please let me know how can i set multiple slots so that i can use them in next api call.
This one is for POC purpose only so we are not considering security now
can any one please provide solution as fast as possible
Hey @surya1994, you can use FormActions for getting the user name & password and call the API once you have taken the user data and you can validate too.
yes after taking user name and password i have to call another action in which i will do api call after that call i will have to take some out put parameters from that call and give this out as input for next api call because of this i have to set multiple slots in action so that i can use them in further
if you have any idea how to do this please let me know
when i am using Forms some times it is showing password as user intent and username as password intent so slots are not setting and directly goes to next action i am not able to understand how to solve this problem.