How to hand off the chabot to human agent

I built a rasa chatbot and I need to connect my bot to a human agent, whenever the bot is connected to the human agent (client), bot should stop sending responses and the client will directly chat with the user

please help me how to implement this functionality any help is appreciated

You’ll find an example in the helpdesk-assistant. In the example, it hands off the user to another Rasa chatbot but the concept is the same.

thanks for your response But it only handing off to another bot its not my use case

I’m using a website chatbot from there if the user wants to talk with a live agent rasa should stop chatting with the user and the admin should start talking with the user.

thank you

That’s correct, the example is handing off to another bot but it’s the same concept. You would need to modify your widget to handoff to you live agent backend.

hi Stephens,

thanks for the reply if you give any examples on this other than "help desk " it could help me to understand better.

thank you

There’s a description of how the feature works in the readme here. The chatroom widget was customized as documented there. The fork is here.

You’ll need to do this for your live agent platform and the widget you have chosen.