How to Dockerize a rasa bot?

I have a rasa chatbot built in version 1.6, I am looking for dockerizing my bot, can someone please help?

  1. Create a Dockerfile: Start by creating a Dockerfile in the root directory of your Rasa project. This file will define the configuration for building the Docker image.
  2. Specify the base image: Choose a base image that supports Python and includes the necessary dependencies for your Rasa version. You can use an official Python image as a starting point.
  3. Copy project files: Use the COPY command in the Dockerfile to copy your entire Rasa project directory into the Docker image.
  4. Install dependencies: Use the RUN command in the Dockerfile to install the required dependencies specified in your project’s requirements.txt file.
  5. Ex
  6. Set the entry point: Define the entry point command in the Dockerfile, which typically involves training the model and running the Rasa server.
  7. Build the Docker image: Use the docker build command to build the Docker image based on your Dockerfile. This will create an image containing your Rasa chatbot and its dependencies.
  8. Run

It’s important to consult the Rasa documentation for version-specific instructions and best practices. Additionally, the Rasa community forums and resources can provide further assistance and guidance throughout the Dockerization process.

FROM rasa/rasa:1.6.0


Copy your Rasa project into the container

COPY . .

RUN rasa train

Thanks for the information. MyTHDHR