I want to create a feedback system where user can sent feedback in text or ask query that are not in bot intent definition . How we can handle such type of text.
Ex: I mad a Write to us button where user can sent his query if he is not satisfied with bot output.
Hi @akelad I am using form field in custom action to save the data in slot. I want once the data is stored and incident is created same form action should ask to create new incident using button. On next call how to reset the slots. I used below code in custom action
response = “”“Your information Name :{} Email: {} and Mesage :{} is save we will contact you soon”"".format(name, email, message )
buttons = [{ “title”: “Yes”, “payload”: “/Write_to_us” }, { “title”: “No”, “payload”: “/goodbye” }]
dispatcher.utter_button_message(“Do you want to create new incident” ,buttons)
@neerajb1 Hello
How did you create intent for the message slot cause it can cross with any intent since there is no fixed message to train the bot on it