How to change tracker_store enconding?

Hi! Im trying to change my tracker_store encoding, since the default one doesnt allow me to see emojis or special characters that are used in Spanish (á é í ó ú). Currently I have this in my endpoints.yml:

  type: sq
  dialect: "sqlite"
  url: ""
  db: "tracker.db"

Im running Rasa 1.10.


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Hi @facureyes are you getting any errors with your current config?

Hi! Nop, it works fine, but I was having a code-decode problem later when I process the database. Now I’ve changed some post-database code and It works fine! Thanks for your reply!

First of all, excuses my poor English,
I have an encoding problem (it seems):
I’m testing Rasa and in some answers we have this type of characters: é,è,î…
In the tracker store rasa.db (sqlite), I see this kind of answers:
Silvae est d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9, envoyez