How can I use a custom action twice in a row?

I’m currently writing to use a custom action twice in a row in Story as shown below, but the custom action only works once. Is there a better way to do this?

  • ok_end_question
    • utter_ok_end_question
    • action_add_ok_question_list
    • action_add_ng_question_list

I don’t see an action twice in a row here, but two different actions. However, you can add a FollowUpAction-Event to the action running first, with the argument being the second and they will run one after another.

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Thank you! I can’t use two custom actions in a story in a row, even if they’re different actions. That you need to use the FollowUpAction event instead. Thank you for sharing this with us. I was able to use the custom actions in succession using FollowUpAction.