Hi everyone i have some issue with my rasa chatbot
My question is: if user input is a command start with a special character and that input is not any intent in my NLU training file. In this case i will call an other service which use that command and call some api. How can i do that
For example:
user: /command_check
rasabot: (call an api and return the result)
user: hello
rasabot: hello there(nomal response from rasa core)
Note: i can not make any intent for that command because of i will have many command so can not control every command to the nlu file
Do you have control over the front end? In this case, you might call the api directly (instead of sending a message to the bot). Otherwise, I see two options for you.
The first option is to use Rasa’s INTENT_MESSAGE_PREFIX, which is the / character. With this, you can directly input an intent/entity instead of a message (like /stop). With this, you could define an intent command and handle the arguments via entities. Thus, you would have to type /command{"parameters": "check"}. This would classify the intent as command and the entity parameters as check From there you can just call a custom action, e.g. via the mapping policy.
The other option is to modify the Rasa source code at MessageProcessor._parse_message in rasa/core/processor.py and add another elif case for your special commands. Feel free to create a pull request if you think other people might be interested in this feature.
Yeah i can control over the front end to do that. But i’m trying to do a diffrent solution. If i can control everything in my rasa chatbot. That can change my architecture system. I think your options are so good and i will try to do that to my chatbot.
You can do this by letting your front end send a message starting with “/” (the INTENT_MESSAGE_PREFIX) when the user clicks on a button. For each button you could specify a special intent (e.g. pick_first, pick_second, etc.). Also, checkout Domains, in case you just need buttons and not the table.