Getting Permission denied on Google Assistant Rasa


{ “actions”: [ { “description”: “Default Welcome Intent”, “name”: “MAIN”, “fulfillment”: { “conversationName”: “welcome” }, “intent”: { “name”: “actions.intent.MAIN”, “trigger”: { “queryPatterns”:[“talk to Chatbot Bigbang”] } } }, { “description”: “Rasa Intent”, “name”: “TEXT”, “fulfillment”: { “conversationName”: “rasa_intent” }, “intent”: { “name”: “actions.intent.TEXT”, “trigger”: { “queryPatterns”: } } }], “conversations”: { “welcome”: { “name”: “welcome”, “url”: “”, “fulfillmentApiVersion”: 2 }, “rasa_intent”: { “name”: “rasa_intent”, “url”: “”, “fulfillmentApiVersion”: 2 } } }

I would be very very very thankful to you, if you help me in this problem @Juste @jason @JiteshGaikwand @samscudder @erohmensing @Bunny99

Hey @jehanzaib12. I have just double checked the tutorial. At this point you have to make sure that you are connected to the same google account as you used to create your google actions skill.

delete the file will solve this problem

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