Trying to connect Google Actions with Rasa

So, I’ve been reading this tutorial: Going beyond ‘Hey Google’: building a Rasa-powered Google Assistant

All good, except when I have to do the connection. Using Ngrok I obtain a valid url, which shows “Hello from Rasa: 1.10.2”. But when copying that prefix here “---------------------/webhooks/google_assistant/webhook” there is no way to connect there. I execute “./gactions update --action_package action.json --project ---------” and obtain this in the terminal:

ERROR: Failed to update the app for the Assistant ERROR: Request contains an invalid argument. Field Violations: Field Description 1 URL for conversation is invalid ‘’ 2020/06/19 13:35:57 Server did not return HTTP 200

Also, if I try accessing manually to the url “---------------------/webhooks/google_assistant/webhook” with the correspond url prefix created by Ngrok, I obtain this message: “Error: Method GET not allowed for URL /webhooks/google_assistant/webhook”.

So, any help? Any idea? I do exactly the same what it is said in the tutorial :frowning: