Getting Permission denied by please find in attachment . How to solve it

I follow

Installing Rasa Open Source: Windows 10 (64 bit) youtube video steps for installing rasa and when i try for rasa init it throw an error which is uploaded in above link where it give me a traceback error of permission denied by please help me to solve this

Hi @akashrajk54,

please try to run cmd as administrator and than run rasa init again.

Additionally you should create a folder for your bot don’t create it in your user folder directly <- not mandatory but good practice to have a clean setup. This is also a part of the tutorial from Rasa Youtube channel.

hello @TristanAppDev Sorry, I did not get you, please clarify where I should run the

Rasa init

in CDP or in Anaconda prompt.

oh sorry its not CDP its CMD(command prompt)

if you follow the youtube tutorial I think it’s anaconda

hello @TristanAppDev. its not a problem in a anaconda , i solved it. Thank you

Nice, what was the problem and how did you solve it? in case someone else gets the same error.