Hello everyone, My bot is sending double answers for all my questions. Any ideas ?
Thank you,
Hello everyone, My bot is sending double answers for all my questions. Any ideas ?
Thank you,
We’ll need waaaaay more information than just that one sentence, Achmed. I have no idea what’s going on with your bot because I have no info about it. Here’s a couple of questions:
Thank you Remy,
I don’t any issue with my stories, unfortunately i can’t post my stories file , i’m working on a enterprise project that’s not possible.
I’m just getting the bot answering 2 times for each question for all templates.
I understand that it can be sensitive data. Unfortunately, I still don’t know what is going on in the back-end. I’ll need the debug logs for that. So we can do 2 things. You can either PM me the log file (run the bot wit the --debug flag) so I can discretely take a look at it, or, if you don’t dare to send the logs to me, you can try sending it to the RASA staff.
OK, so I can see that you have a form that’s activated. The FormAction handles all the utters. I don’t know what your story looks like, but I assume the FormPolicy is uttering the same thing as an utter you have in the stories.
So how can i fix that ?
remove the extra utters from your stories
Thank you. In my stories, I do not have any utters. It’s managed in my FormAction (actions.py)
Thank’s a lot.