March 2, 2020, 6:59am
Hi Everyone,
I want to run rasa on https mode. I have found so many other options but I need something different solution.
I have only “.jks” file format for SSL Certificate. Is there any command to run rasa using “.jks” file. If yes then please provide me that command.
Thanks in advance.
(Arjaan Buijk)
March 10, 2020, 7:04pm
Hi @Bipul ,
“.jks” files are a Java Key Store.
I recommend you look at pyjks , which is a pure-python Java KeyStore (JKS) library.
You can for example write a script to extract the SSL certificate and the Key to disk, and then use those to start up Rasa.
March 12, 2020, 4:31am
Thanks for your reply @Arjaan ,
Actually I have purchased SSL certificate, which is in “.jks” file format.
And I am trying to run rasa by using this command
“sudo rasa run --log-file out.log --enable-api --ssl-certificate certificate.pem --ssl-keyfile key.pem --port 443 --cors ‘*’”
but this command needs certificate and key in “.pem” format.
So that I am asking how to run the rasa using using purchased SSL sertificate.
(Akela Drissner)
March 16, 2020, 1:10pm