Error in connecting github repo to the rasa x server

ubuntu@ip-141-31-5-137:/etc/rasa$ curl --request POST \

 --url \
 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 --data-binary @repository.json

{“version”:“0.34.0”,“status”:“failure”,“message”:“See the server logs for more information.”,“reason”:“The server encountered an internal error and cannot complete the request.”,“details”:{},“help”:null,“code”:500}

Hey @singhabhishekiitkgp, if you’re still seeing this error, could you look at (and possibly share) the server logs? It might also help to describe your setup in more detail. Just from the information so far I can’t see what the issue could be, sorry.

I encountered the same error .

{“version”:“0.23.3”,“status”:“failure”,“message”:“Could not save model.\nNo model file found.”,“reason”:“ModelSaveError”,“details”:{},“help”:null,“code”:404

Ho do i fit this?

@insightskillz this looks like a different error from the one reported above. To keep things clearer, could you, please, create a new topic for the issue you’re seeing?

@Sam thanks for the response. I have figured it out.

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