Empty git commit

I am using integrated VC with Rasa X 29.3. Stories are updating well through git, as are NLU data. However, trying to push to git after making changes to “synonyms” pushes empty commits.


  1. Change “synonyms” in GUI
  2. Git status color turns to yellow.
  3. I “push” via the GUI.
  4. Status bar turns green.
  5. I observe an empty commit in Bitbucket repository that is connected / no evidence of ‘synonym’ change. However, the change is reflected still in the GUI upon refreshing the Rasa X page again and again.

What could the issue be?

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Yes, this is a recently discovered issue in Rasa X for synonyms and regex’s. I don’t have a fix date but it is a high priority and when released, it will be reported in the Rasa X change log

Thanks for checking into this!

Hi, is this issue solved now?, I noticed our Rasa X is pushing updates to our github repo with just a new commit header but changes in the files are not reflected in our github branch. I’m not sure if this issue could be related to our problem.


I noticed this occurred with us when we train a new model via Rasa X interface.

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When I add new info from the NLU inbox, then I pull, and when I go back to the NLU inbox, messages are still there, so I pull again aaand I get an empty commit.