I’m newer with Rasa stack. I build a simple rasa chatbot and integrate it with the slack channel. Following the tutorial, I’ve added URL: https://xxxxxx/webhooks/slack/webhook to the Event subscription, which has been verified through both ngrok and rasa server, as shown below:
POST /webhooks/slack/webhook 200 OK
2018-12-07 20:34:04.861505: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:141] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA - - [2018-12-07 20:34:10] “POST /webhooks/slack/webhook HTTP/1.1” 200 200 0.000759
Also I can ensure both ngrok and rasa server are running on the same port.
However, I still can’t receive any replies from my rasa bot. Does anyone have ideas why it happens?
Hi @aggarwalrahul86. There are clearly some issues with the connector at the moment, which I am going to look into in more detail. Right now, looks like that your app name != slack_channel because you should get the responses to direct messages if you leave the ‘slack_channel’ parameter out. Give it a try without this parameter. In a mean time we will look into what’s up with the connector (there are some PRs being worked on already)