Docker toolbox failed to register layer - read only file system

Hi I have installed the environment and requirements on my windows 7 64bit machine… I tried using the docker file provided by the install page but found that normal docker compose wouldnt work for my version of windows… have subsequently installed docker toolbox and using the shell initiated the docker-compose up command… for the past two hours no feedback is received from the cmd line… and then I finally get an error failed to register layer - read only file system… which I assume is a permissions issue in my starter pack folder permissions… has anyone encountered this? how can i resolve it so that I can run the chat bot from my local machine?

I’ve never used docker toolbox. This doesn’t sound like an issue with the start-pack folder permission. The docker is trying to pull the rasa_core dependency. So it is downloading it from the internet and trying to install in the local docker environment and this install will not occur on the start-pack folder.

Since I never used this toolbox. I would suggest to you why not using VirtualBox to emulate a small Linux Distro instead?
