The default command from the rasa-sdk image is CMD ["start", "--actions", "actions.actions"]. You can overwrite this to specify your actions - Probably just CMD ["start", "--actions", "actions"]
But the problem here is that when I run ‘rasa run actions’, I am able to connect with the custom server and perform actions.
But, when I do ‘docker-compose up’, then I am getting an error that ‘failed to register package’.
For this docker problem, I need solution.
I have already setup this on Windows 10 Enterprise as well as Home Edition. Now, I am trying to setup in ‘Windows Server 2016’ with all the requirements met.
Right, that’s because when you run docker-compose up it isn’t running just rasa run actions. It’s running python -m rasa_sdk --actions actions.actions .You need to overwrite the command in the Dockerfile.