Docker run -p 8000:8000 rasa/duckling

docker run -p 8000:8000 rasa/duckling
> docker ps
IMAGE: rasa/duckling
COMMAND: "duckling-example-exe"
STATUS: Up 28 hours
> htop
I have literally 60 little processes in my container:
duckling-example.exe -p 8000 -no-access-log --no-error-log

Anyt thoughts why this is the case. 
VIRT: 1.0T
CPU%: 0.0
MEM: 0.1
Command: duckling-example.exe -p 8000 -no-access-log --no-error-log

By default, htop lists each thread of a process separately, while ps doesn’t. To turn off the display of threads, press H , or use the “Setup / Display options” menu, “Hide userland threads”. This puts the following line in your ~/.htoprc or ~/.config/htop/htoprc (you can alternatively put it there manually):

Just curious whats going on with all the threads in the container?


From @virtualroot: I see ghc_worker threads. I think it has to do with GHC, the default compiler for Haskell; and how it handles concurrency.

    1 ?        Ssl    0:00 duckling-example-exe -p 8000 --no-access-log --no-error-log
   18 pts/0    Ss     0:00 /bin/bash
  746 pts/0    R+     0:00 ps x
root@36166220878a:/# ps -T -p 1
    1     1 ?        00:00:00 duckling-exampl
    1     8 ?        00:00:00 ghc_worker
    1     9 ?        00:00:00 ghc_worker
    1    10 ?        00:00:00 ghc_worker
    1    11 ?        00:00:00 ghc_worker
    1    12 ?        00:00:00 ghc_worker
    1    14 ?        00:00:00 ghc_worker
    1    13 ?        00:00:00 ghc_worker
    1    15 ?        00:00:00 ghc_worker
    1    16 ?        00:00:00 ghc_worker
    1    17 ?        00:00:00 ghc_worker
    1   735 ?        00:00:00 ghc_worker

I would say it is natural to see it grow and shrink depending on the workload.Not something we want to do but it is possible to disable this feature by removing the -threaded flag at compilation time from duckling.cabal.