Different Intent using different Value of the same Entity type

My issue is similar to Using single entity for two different intent’s.

Considering the same example in two different ways:

CASE - 01

“Set an alarm for 7:30 PM and Delete my 5:00 AM alarm”

output intent is: set_alarm + delete_alarm

output entity is: time_slot = [7:30 PM, 5:00 AM]

CASE - 02

“Delete my 5:00 AM alarm and Set an alarm for 7:30 PM ”

output intent is: set_alarm + delete_alarm

output entity is: time_slot = [5:00 AM,7:30 PM]

How would map the entities to the right intents?

As per my understanding, both actions(from two intents) would utilize both the entity values while executing,i.e., it would set an alarm for both 5:00 AM and 7:00 AM and delete both. Is there a way to overcome this issue?

Please let me know.

Thank you

@Juste @akelad @souvikg10 Any ideas on how to approach this issue?

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

Yeah here rasa core has no knowledge of which entity belongs to which intent. You could overcome this by having two separate entities called delete_time and save_time, but NLU miht have trouble recognising that. Apart from that you could use some string matching to see if the words delete or set are present before the entity in your custom action