Deploying local Flask web server that includes webchat widget with ngrok

So, I built a Rasa chatbot, and included it into my website using the Rasa webchat widget (it is included in my HTML template). I also built a custom action server ( In short, my architecture is the following:

  • Flask server: running at localhost:5000
  • Rasa server: running at localhost:5005
  • Rasa action server: running at localhost:5055

When I open up my web browser and go to localhost:5000, I can see my website with the chat widget in the bottom right, and the chatbot works fine.

However, when I want to deploy this website with ngrok to the internet using ngrok http 5000, the widget is not shown. Which command should I run in order to deploy my website that includes this widget?

BTW, all my code is open-source and can be found here.

Do you see errors in the browser debug window? Sounds like the the page is showing but without the widget?

Yes, it turns out you also have to export the Rasa server with ngrok. See also here: Deploy webchat widget with ngrok · Issue #273 · botfront/rasa-webchat · GitHub