Hello please can anyone help me to know where is my mistake I am new in RASA this my project files actions.py (1.7 KB) nlu.yml (3.3 KB) rules.yml (541 Bytes) stories.yml (2.4 KB)
@Ahmad-Alkhuder can you share the full error traceback, with the screennshot? and also the rasa --version for the reference?
(please help me to finish this project I have bee trying since 7 days but it’s not working​:tired_face:)
The problem is that if I run rasa train it will train only the NLU model the core is not getting trained because there is an error in my domain.yml and if i run **rasa train core ** it will give the core training was skipped because no valid domain file was found like this :

The error says the domain wasn’t found, and you shared all the files except the domain.
Do you even have a domain.yml
oh i am really sorry domain.yml (4.0 KB)
Can you try with this file?
domain.yml (4.0 KB)
I am studying from this coursehttps://www.udemy.com/course/rasa-for-beginners/learn/lecture/21398524#overview on Udemy and i want this project to work in my Rasa version but it’s not happening
Oh oops! I added a space by mistake
Please replace | -
with |-
on line 126 and try again
Oh man… I can’t find what the error is…
Try to remove each element one by one and check if the error stays
Ohh , its okay , Thank you so much . Actually i tried this but i couldn’t find the error
Oh there’s a typo!
On line 22, you wrote entites
instead of entities
Oh the error behind rasa core not being trained is i added one action utter_ask_exercise twice in the Actions list in domain file . and the typo what you mentioned is also there . Thank you so much
So it’s solved now?
This is another issue, please close this thread and open another one