Can we log each incoming message to Rasa with session id for debugging

Hello all,

We are trying to integrate Rasa with a customer support system. Sometimes we observe a reply from Rasa that we do not anticipate and for us, there is no easy way to find what message was fed to Rasa that caused a specific unexpected response.

Is there any way we can force rasa to collect logs, which will have messages received by rasa and session id.

Thank you, Abhishek

You can add --debug to your existing rasa command

You can also enable an event broker and monitor messages by reading the queue.

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–debug is helpful, but it throws a lot of info, I wish there there could be a flag or feature to dump only message transactions. Thanks for your reply.

I liked the idea, will read it. But if you have some source like blog or documentation, that would help.

Thank you.

Python Logging Options: You can control level of log messages printed. In addition to these arguments, a more fine grained configuration can be achieved with environment variables. See online documentation for more info.

  -v, --verbose         Be verbose. Sets logging level to INFO. (default:
  -vv, --debug          Print lots of debugging statements. Sets logging level
                        to DEBUG. (default: None)                                                             
  --quiet               Be quiet! Sets logging level to WARNING. (default:
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