Button rasa

I have a button with two choices but with the same intent ,how can I extract please the title(not the payload) of the button to use it in the following action

Hi there,

what is the purpose of having two different buttons with the same payload? You could in that case have only one button and your problem is solved.

Sounds to me like there is a miscommunication happening here. Could you post an example along with what you’d like to get out of the process?

Regards, Nikola

hello Nikola,

Okay, in the case of a loan application, I will propose alternative credit options to the client for the same ‘inform’ intent." and I want to extract the alternative that the client has chosen…


Regards, Bechraoui Oumayma

You can payload the entity, as well.

I don’t have any entity :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Without entities, how is one intent supposed to choose between 2 different answers? :thinking: