Bug after update, rasa x doesn't have follow up actions or utterances anymore

Since I updated from 0.19.0 to 0.19.2. After you type the utterance it shows intent and then no more follow up action or utterance. You can just type again. Listen event doesn’t even get called. No exceptions thrown also. Everything working in normal run.

Can you give a link to download the old version, because this version is full of bugs. In the old version there are some smaller bugs, but this is just stopping my development. The bot works normally if I use rasa run, but rasa-x nothing but bugs.

Hey @ice2tricky, I’m sorry to hear that the newest version has been too buggy for you to work with. We’d appreciate if you filled out a bug report with any relevant screenshots or network requests, console errors etc. for context so that we can avoid that happening in future versions.

In the meantime, you can redownload 0.19.0 via pip install rasa-x==0.19.0 --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com/simple.

Have you tried to refresh your browser? I have an open problem where I can see what it wants to produce but it doesn’t show up until I refresh the browser.

problem was dumb, I kept a copy of the rasa repo in the project to check code sometimes, when encountering an issue. But I also installed the versions to my virtual environment and normally it’s taking that one for all uses, except Rasa-x it seems to go to the project version. When I deleted it, that started working again. But for other issues found in the new version of rasa I can’t use the latest version of Rasa-x. Is there an issue with this pip install command, because it doesn’t seem to install an older version.

command: pip install rasa-x==0.19.0 --extra-index-url Simple Index.

Getting following messages: Looking in indexes: Simple index, Simple Index. Collecting rasa-x==0.19.0 Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement rasa-x==0.19.0 (from versions: 0.0.0, 0.0.1, 0.0.2) No matching distribution found for rasa-x==0.19.0

I acutally quoted your command – the period at the end is screwing it up, i believe. removing the period let me successfully download it.

yep thx that was it, for me you can close this

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Sure thing, we’ll keep it here just in case someone else runs into it.

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thanks this was helpful!

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