Below are my file, currently I am traversing through story two. I am ant intent bot_type, so now I just hit the Greeting at this stage, instead of giving me the reply of greeting it takes me to fallback action. when I debug it in the console I found the NLP gives great confidence for greeting but core action confidence is met with fallback core confidence.
## story One
* Greeting
- greeting_action
## story two
* Getting_Started
- getting_started_action
* Designation
- designation_action
* bot_type
- bot_type_action
* connect_with_live_agent
- live_agent_action
## story three
* Getting_Started
- getting_started_action
* Designation
- designation_action
* are_you_bot
- are_you_bot_action
* affirm
- affirm_action
## story four
* Getting_Started
- getting_started_action
* Designation
- designation_action
* are_you_bot
- are_you_bot_action
* deny
- deny_action
* connect_with_live_agent
- live_agent_action
## story five
* Designation
- designation_action
* are_you_bot
- are_you_bot_action
* deny
- deny_action
* connect_with_live_agent
- live_agent_action
## story six
* Designation
- designation_action
* are_you_bot
- are_you_bot_action
* affirm
- affirm_action
## story seven
* Designation
- designation_action
* bot_type
- bot_type_action
* connect_with_live_agent
- live_agent_action
## fallback story
* Out_Of_Scope
- Fallback_action
I want the bot to switch to story One instead of fallback action.
Can you guys help me?