Switching stories

Subject: Switching Between intents mid conversation .

I would like to know if there is a way to switch between intents in the middle of a story. Eg:


##story 1





##story 2



Assuming the conversation is at the point story 1-action1.2 after which there is an “action listen” now the user types in a sample from intent3 and wants to abruptly move to story 2 rather than continuing the conversation with the expected(trained) intent2. We have not provided this deviation in flow explicitly in the stories.md file as you can see. Will the bot do this automatically?(I have tried this and it did not work .The Bot continued with the trained flow of story 1 and performed action2.1 instead of the action3.1) Do we need to create stories for cases like these?



##story 1





If so ,I will have to create stories for the bot to deviate after every action to every other intent in the Bot’s context. This does not seem right especially when there are many intents and long stories , is there any alternative way to handle this issue?