Hey guys, I’m making a simple chat-bot that tells the weather using the city name provided by the user. As there are thousands of cities across the globe, my question is how can I train my model for all cities. The thing I have been doing so far is writing intents for each city, is there any way where I can attach a file containing all cities so I have to write few intents.
You don’t need to train for all cities. Just you need to extract the city name from the user text using entity extraction techniques like Spacy. Once you extract the city name, you can pass the city name to weather api and display the information in the chatbot. One such api provider is
Thanks, Uday
I can also provide the lookup table for cities right ? Also can you tell me how yo attach a .txt file in lookup for Rasa 2.0
You can provide but them in lookup table but don’t you think it’s tough to represent cities. For your second question, we can represent lookup tables like this in Rasa 2.0.
- lookup: location
files: |
- location.txt
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