Not able to extract name of any city as an entity by giving only few example in nlu intent?

- intent: weather
  examples: |
    - tell me weather of [Bengaluru](location)
    - display weather of [Mumbai](location)
    - what is weather today in [Pune](location)
    - what is temprature in [bengaluru](location)
    - i want to know the temperature of [chennai](location)

I want to extract city name other than cities provided in example. Please help me which configuration to use.

Hi Mudassir,

To get it to work for other cities as well, you could introduce either RegexEntityExtractor (Components) or RegexFeaturizer (Components) in your config.yml. Also, in your training data, you should add a lookup table (NLU Training Data) so that the model is able to pick up other cities without having them explicitly in your intent examples.

Hope this helps, let me know if you have other inquiries.

Regards, Nikola

So mean I have to add all cities in lookup table?

Hi, Any updates on this , i have struck for a long time for solution. Please provide solutions , it really help me hardlly. Thanks, BHanu

What is your configuration? Do you have an entity extraction method and did you define them in your domain file correctly?

If you have list cities then do add a lookup table listing all the cities and think you need to add the RegexEntityExtractor. Otherwise I think you could also use spacy. You can read more here: Using Custom spaCy components | The Rasa Blog | Rasa

Hi xiamen, Thanks for your response. I dont want make options in lookup table. I want to get dynamically.

I have tried with spacy, crf, regx , diet entity extractor, but not able to arcive this.

I am using lastest rasa 3.6.4.

Plese help me.

Thanks, Bhanu