Rasa Community Forum is up!
We are happy to announce a new place for Rasa Community - Rasa Community Forum. We created this forum with the idea that this is going to be the place where Rasa Community will meet, discuss interesting questions, share ideas and learn from each other.
We are moving here from Gitter, which has been the home for Rasa Community for over a year but based on the feedback from all of you, we decided to switch to a platform which would allow you all find the answers to your questions easier. What will happen to Rasa Gitter platforms? We are not going to close them right away, but we are going to shift our focus to support Rasa Community Forum first.
What Rasa Community Forum is for:
- Discussions about Rasa, Chatbots, ML, anything else you find interesting
- Sharing ideas and suggestions on how we can make things better
- Talking about interesting projects you are working on
- Connecting with other bright minds and finding collaborators for projects or contributions
- Finding useful learning resources and staying up to date with Rasa updates
- Meeting other great devs and being part of the great community
What Rasa Community Forum is not for:
Reporting bugs
Raising issues
Submitting Pull Requests and proposing code changes
To make sure that all of these things get the attention they need, just like before, they should be submitted on Rasa NLU and Rasa Core GitHub repositories.
We hope you are going to enjoy this new platform and we would love to hear your feedback on it. Let’s build a great community together!