A form can be interrupted and remain active; in this case the interruption should come after the action: step and be followed by the active_loop: step. An interruption of a form could look like this:
- story: interrupted food
- intent: request_restaurant
- action: restaurant_form
- intent: chitchat
- action: utter_chitchat
- active_loop: restaurant_form
- active_loop: null
- action: utter_slots_values
I am use rasa3 and this is the official document description.I have a question.
- intent: chitchat
- action: utter_chitchat
I think this part should come after " - active_loop: restaurant_form" .Why is it in the official description before it.I think “” - active_loop: restaurant_form"" means start loop all request slot and if If there is an interruption in the process, deal with it.