Remember to check the bottom of the thread for the most up-to-date version of the script!
Hi all.
Installing RasaX on Windows is a bit of a tedious task, because of all the containers that love to crash and fail all the time. As such, and with much credit to Arjaan Buijk from the Rasa team for the fixes and discussion, I’ve written a script in Python that will quickly get a test server up and running.
One of the first things you need to note is that this script and the general setup is NOT PRODUCTION READY. This script will get a RasaX server up and running, but it is imperative that you deploy your RasaX server on a dedicated Linux machine when moving to production. This script will only be useful for you if you want to just quickly deploy a RasaX server and play around with it or see its features.
That being said, you need two things pre-installed on your Windows machine: Python 3.6+ and Docker for Windows. You can test if you have everything you need by running
python -V
docker -v
docker-compose -v
All of which should yield the corresponding version numbers of the respective tools. (Note the capital V in the Python line. Using a small v in Python will make it freak out, but I guess it’s just as good of a tell that you have it installed.)
Step 1
Download rasa_x_turbo.py and config.json. As of the time of writing this post, the latest versions of RasaX and Rasa are 0.26.0 and 1.8.0 respectively. If you’re from the future, make sure to update the version numbers in config.json.
Step 2
…run the Python script in your project folder. Pretty much all that there is to it, really. The script itself should take care of setting up your directory, downloading all the files needed, and writing and modifying the docker-compose. The setup process also happens to be quite straightforward, so don’t be alarmed if everything happens in an instant.
Step 3
Follow these instructions from Step 2 onwards. All steps are the same. Just remember that you don’t need to add sudo and you should be golden. (Except, of course, that you should be cd’ing to your project folder, not etc/rasa or RASA_HOME.)
I wrote this script in about half an hour while bored at work, so it may not be exactly stellar in terms of code quality. If you have any suggestions for changes, do let me know.