Couldn't use 'rasa command'

I have just installed rasa using anaconda.

By following the instruction in, I have trouble understanding where should I use the rasa command.

You can use the rasa command on any terminal with your conda environment loaded. What OS are you using?

I’m using Windows 10. I tried for every terminal but it wrote ‘rasa’ is not recognizer as an internal or external command, operable program or bath file

If you have created a conda environment with rasa installed, you should be able to go to a terminal, load the conda environment (e.g. conda activate <name-of-your-environment>), and type in rasa. The rasa command should be recognised if you have Rasa installed (pip install rasa-x --extra-index-url

What exactly were the steps you did?

I would suggest install miniconda then open any terminal and use following commands to install rasa

  • conda install python=3.6
  • conda create -n rasa python=3.6
  • source activate rasa
  • pip install rasa-x --extra-index-url Simple Index
  • rasa init
  • rasa x

If you have time you can go through this article on setting up Rasa and run your chatbot