Connecting Messaging Channels - RASA X Quick Install

Hello Community,

I’ve installed RASA X in my VM (Ubuntu) using the quick install script: curl -s | sudo bash

I also have my domain configured, plus SSL certificate working.

Now, I’m trying to connect my assistant to Facebook.

Using the document - The Complete Guide To Deploying Your Rasa Assistant | The Rasa Blog | Rasa - I tried to run the command with my own values:

export ADDITIONAL_CHANNEL_CREDENTIALS='facebook.verify="rasa-bit",facebook.secret="secret","token"'

No success at all.

Anyone experienced something similar?

Thanks in Advance

Hi Fernando,

I would run some basic connectivity tests in Postman or with curl to make sure they work. Also, have you confirmed this is working with the standard REST channel?

Here are some of my std REST tests exported from Postman:

curl --location --request GET ''
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "sender": "postman",
  "message": "what is rasa x"

Thanks @stephens I got it connect, however, a weird thing is happening. I can talk and get the messages back from my facebook page (and see it at Rasa X portal), however, other people can’t get the automated replies, and I can’t see the message from others in my Rasa X portal.

Would you know if there is any other configuration to be done?

Thanks Fernando Maximo Ferreira

I’m not sure what you mean by other people can’t get the automated replies. Does this mean that other Facebook users aren’t getting any responses when they talk to the bot? Or by, automated are you talking about custom actions?

Run rasa with the --debug option so you can view the channel communication (you may have enough in the log without that option though so I would review that).

Exactly, other users aren’t getting any response from the facebook messenger connected to the bot.

I will try the --debug.

I got it.

To make your application (RASA assistant) available to other users you need to request an app review for facebook and then wait for it. The process is required to ensure that you are not fetching any sensitive information from users.

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