Why do I get a "UserWarning: No valid model found at models"?

Hi all,

I try to deploy an already trained model with Okteto. However, after it says "Loading model models/latestmodel.tar.gz I get the message

UserWarning: No valid model found at models!

Is there something I am doing wrong? I successfully deployed the model locally with docker and it can also access the model but why not when deploying in the cloud?

This is my Dockerfile:

FROM python:3.7.7-stretch AS BASE

RUN apt-get update \
    && apt-get --assume-yes --no-install-recommends install \
        build-essential \
        curl \
        git \
        jq \
        libgomp1 \


# upgrade pip version
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade pip

RUN pip install rasa==3.1

ADD . .

While this is my Docker-compose file:

version: '3.4'

    image: rasa/rasa:3.1.1-full
    working_dir: /app
      context: ./
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
    command: bash -c "rasa run --model latestmodel.tar.gz --enable-api --cors \"*\" --debug --port 5006"
    - '5006:5006'

    image: rasa/rasa:3.1.1-full
    working_dir: /app
      context: ./
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
    command: ["rasa", "run", "actions"]
    - '5055:5055'

@MelT hope this will help you

Good luck :crossed_fingers:

Hi @nik202 they train a model in Okteto but do not deploy an already trained model

Ok @MelT what is your use case why you only want to deploy on okteto ?

I found it easier than deploying on GoogleCloud :slight_smile: I think I could also load a modal from Google Cloud Storage but the linked tutorials here Model Storage do not really explain where one has to set the environment variables. Do you know a tutorial on how to fetch a model from GCS?

@MelT currently I can’t share but maybe later

Ok for your solution you can check the docker container mean inspect it and then update your already trained model. But keep in mind the code should not be updated or even rasa version.

Could explain a bit in more detail what you mean by inspecting? What should I look for?

@MelT if you want to inspect your docker you need such command

docker exec -u root -t -i actions_server /bin/bash

actions_server is your container name for seeing the running image or container use this command

docker ps

Okay but I think the problem is maybe not in docker as it is working locally