Whats the best way to implement multilanguage with RasaX

Hi, I want to have 2 separate chatbots launched on different ports (rasaEN:5005 and rasaES:5006). I can train two models (EN and ES) using RasaX by translating training data. But how to assign these two models from models/ directory to specific rasa instances?


After training I have two models:

  • 20200512-094732.tar.gz (EN model)
  • 20200512-094952.tar.gz (ES model)

how to make rasaEN:5005 use first model and rasaES:5006 use the second one?

Hey! I am currently doing something similar. I don’t think you can have multiple bots running on the same Rasa X server, you’d probably have to run two Rasa X instances. However you can do this very easily on rasa OSS.

rasa run --model ./path/20200512-094732.tar.gz --port 5005 (English)

rasa run --model ./path/20200512-094952.tar.gz --port 5006 (Spanish)

And you can then query from each port, remenber to activate rest in the configurations file!

Hope this helped!


EDIT: Sorry didn’t see you wanted to use Rasa X specifically