We need negative rankings in forum

Hi I’ve been using Rasas 2.x for a while, I completely understand that documentation is not going to be perfect. Nonetheless, RASA already restricts question to just the forum, leaving stackoverflow and github with no useful responses and a smaller community.

Unhappy paths, custom actions, deployment with CUSTOM docker compose, REST API documentation, even terms like “slot_was_set”, “active_loop: null” are poorly documented, they all have not very useful snippets. Even though RASA has an example_directory, many of this topics are not even included.

I’ve wasted many hours reading threads in this forum and got nothing, I get that documentation is never going to be perfect, but many times the responses from RASA team are not even helpful, just answering with RASA resources that usually users already tested over and over. Worst part is, you can read a whole thread, without even getting an answer. Sometimes RASA team answers are so short you start reading a whole conversation like whatsapp, plus we can only leave positive feedback.

We need to rate this responses that are not helpful negative, so that we can help users realize that the thread is going no where or ended up being frozen, plus this way we evaluate is responses from the RASA team are actually helpful or not, just like in any other community.

Thank you for sharing this @bgonzalezfractal, this is a very useful feedback. It is true that the documentation can always be improved and this is exactly why the points you made about the poorly documented terms and features are very helpful for us to focus more on improving it.

Regarding the negative rankings - we will discuss it and have a look at the implementation of it. We have an “accepted answer” feature which should indicate the users that the thread has a solution to the stated problem.

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Unfortunately, the majority of users do not use the “accepted answer” feature (sometimes not even likes). There would be no need for downvotes if this feature was used correctly.

I think active people on the forums should keep mentioning to mark the post as solution if it helped them. Maybe there should even be moderators that can do it themselves.