Viable alternative to ConveRTFeaturizer for DietClassifier

Now that ConveRT is deprecated I’m wondering what would be considered a viable dense featurizer alternative to ConveRTFeaturizer for DietClassifier.

As a follow up question, what is the best way to quantify dense featurizer’s performance with DietClassifier?

Hello @aaronbriel can you share the rasa --version?


@aaronbriel can you please activate the environment and type rasa --version and share :slight_smile:


Rasa Version      :         3.0.8
Minimum Compatible Version: 3.0.0
Rasa SDK Version  :         3.0.4
Rasa X Version    :         None
Python Version    :         3.8.3
Operating System  :         Linux-5.4.0-1066-aws-x86_64-with-glibc2.10
Python Path       :         /home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/vail-rasa-venv/bin/python

When you say this from where you have seen this is deprecated? any shared link?

Deprecated was perhaps not the correct word. I meant taken down from public domain. GitHub - connorbrinton/polyai-models

Does anybody else have any feedback as to a viable dense featurizer for DietClassifier? I’m interested, not only because ConveRT is no longer publicly available, but also because of this suggestion that ConveRTFeaturizer may be the culprit in preventing successful training on M1.