Trouble using ConveRTFeaturizer

I am trying to use the ConveRTFeaturizer in my pipeline, but apparently it needs a model to run. Where can I find that?

I’m using Colab and have successfully run pip3 install rasa[convert]

 - name: ConveRTFeaturizer
      model_url: None
    - name: DIETClassifier
      epochs: 100

@bferster Hello, Bill I guess you need to see this link: | RasaHQ/rasa 2.0.3 on GitHub. I guess it’s not available now.


Since the public URL of the ConveRT model was taken offline recently, it is now mandatory to set the parameter model_url to a community/self-hosted URL or path to a local directory containing model files.

Ref link: Components

@bferster Please try this link if it work.

- name: ConveRTTokenizer
- name: ConveRTFeaturizer

The worked perfectly. Thanks so much!

@bferster Glad it work for you :handshake:, please close this thread for other readers and for your own reference!